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Aenian pilot by shabazik-d6sey3v

A space mech Nikopol A1 Aenian Pilot from one of the LCP -Paternic Free Colonies- Colonial Militias, from Paternostria

Aenian Elves

An Aenian is the name to Artificial Elves, or clones of elves. Clones and bioengineered reconstructions of elves became common to give the elven races a new chance at life amongst the stars This was possibly a response to the apparent loss of the 'Cradleworld' Aiers IV during the Fifth World War of Aiers. Races that humans had seemingly nearly drowned out in their numbers might become populous again thanks to biotechnology.

"Aenian" came to mean any artificially derived elf where the genomes in question originated on Aiers IV. As well, the term was used to differentiate Aierian-elves, the Aenian; and the Otsarian-elves, the Lorran.

Early History[]

Once cloning technology was being developed, some ONG funded by elves in Aiers had seen this as an opportunity to give a new chance to the elven races, beginning large investigations for this purpose. While it wasn't easy, finally this was achieved, and elves ensured that as well elven DNA will be in stock in several ark projects in some of the missions sent to the Nebulosa of Ots.

After the Fifth World War of Aiers and the loss of contact with the Aiers Cradleworld, some very hard initial decades were lived by the aierian survivors, before they could settle and begin building their own, new home worlds.

Space mech nikopol a1 by shabazik-d30qs01

Space mech Nikopol A1

As the situation settled down, elves living in the new Otsarian human nations, looked to space and thought they could colonize some new worlds, to give the elven races a new world, only for them, and a new destiny. From the initiative of Viccen Aen and the Aen Foundation, he contracted Kasparov CIA for the terraforming of a world for elfkind, while GENTEK cloned from either DNA samples -or reconstructed from the DNA of humans with elven ancestors- elves.

These elves will be known then as Aenian, for the Aen Foundation, and this first, neo-elven nation in the nebulosa of Ots, will be called Aenor.

Aenor will later become a member state of the LCP, Paternic Free Colonies, an alliance of colonial worlds to avoid being annexed by the large empires -but which were eventually dragged into the wars of Ots.- Since then, Aenians began to migrate to other nations, and found new colonies, existing important Aenian minorities in the RFB and the Galactic Union of Nations.

The word Aenian became a general term to any aierian-elf (of any of the elven races), even to other artificial elves that weren't from the Aen Foundation, such as the artificial drow bioengineered by the Underdark Technologies Inc. Neither was made a distinction between cloned elves, or sons and daughters of these cloned elves, being all called Aenians.

The Aenian of the LCP[]

Aside of Aenor, due to the successful results of the cloning of the Aenian elves, the government of Paternostria -the acting "capitol world" of the confederation of planets and national governments of the LCP decided to change the stock of their cloned population from artificial humans to artificial elves:

Because of this, the Aenian will become the majority of population in Paternostria (117.13): out of the 470,000,000 inhabitants, 400,000,000 were aenian elves, and another 600,000,000 will be cloned among the LCP: 1,000,000,000 of LCP elves, a number that they never had before.

However, some aierian elves, and several elven organizations and companies began to question the culture and the Paternostrian Aenian Elves: As they where cloned by and for a human government, while they weren't to be servants or second class citizens -as some opponents of the LCP claimed-, with many "parents" making elven clones with their genetic material and an elven one to have an "eternal descendent line", other elves criticized the Paternostrian aenian culture of being basically just pointy eared humans.

The Paternostrian aenians resented this, and began to develop their own culture. But a culture their elven ancestors and other aenians deemed as inferior.

Especially their "elf-pop" music. The other elves felt insulted it was even called "elf" pop music, being "paternostrian crap".
