Aiers Wiki

Infinity Solutions is a multinational private military company, founded in 3437 a.a.H as Infinity Choir, renamed as Infinity Syndicate in 3442 a.a.H, and known as Infinity Solutions since 3446 a.a.H after the company was acquired by a group of private investors. The company received widespread notoriety in 3347, when there were growing scandals for the unnecesary harsh handling of civilian population in former Goeliathian Coalition planets.

Infinity Solutions provides primarly security services to the Republic of Augustinian government on a contractual basis -thought some suggest Infinity Solutions had really developed in such way that actually controls the former goeliathian republic of Augustinia, being said they were a vulture corporation, preying in the ruins of the former Goeliathian Coalition.

While primarly a Private Military Company that deas security services, Infinity Solutions holdings as well have interests in biotecnology, chemical industry, cloning and planetary exploitation.  Having seized part of the cloning tech and and some cloning factories of the Xe Normative, they have at their disposition their own clones -or as the Xe Normative called them before-, nicknamed as pawns. These clones -often being bootleg, ilegal copies of other corporate artificial human models from Kasparov CIA, GENTEK and Azimuth Pharmaceuticals between others- would mean some causes of conflict between Infinity Solutions and other cloning corporations.

Following the customs of the Goeliathian sector rather than other countries of Ots, that hadn't signed the Artificial human Rights, these clones aren't sozialiced beyond their basic functions and are considered Corporate property.

Currently the Artificial Humans Rights movements are protesting in this regards, requesting the former nations of the Goeliathian Coalition to become signataries of the Charter of Artificial Human Rights.
