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Elder god by shabazik dduzo1h

A depiction of the legendary Shraou, a probable mythological 'goat god' being

In folklore, the Shraou was a being of a giant goat-like appearance said to live in the heights of the Mount Dol-Nur that eats the unruly children. While it's thought it originated as an Ozcura Orc legend, it later spread to other peoples of Polforia.

Some later scholars have tried to attest the historicity of the legend, claiming it to have been an escaped Abomination from Dol-Nur after the First War of the Power or maybe the vessel for an unknown Bazrrod demon lord.


The Shraou is reputed to appear as a giant goat, many times larger than any real goat; indeed, three or four times taller than an orc should stand bipedally. It has huge, wide spreading horns and, almost as astonishing as its size, is that it has a set many proportionately small eyes running from the front to the sides of its head.

The Shraou also has a giant bell hanging on a collar about its neck, presumably as a warning to its presence. Despite this warning device, and its reputedly immense scale of size, the mythological beast is very quiet and sneaky. Terrifyingly, it is wont to eat meat and hunt orc children.

The Shraou is generally held to be mythological. If it ever actually existed, it's likely that its dimensions and nature were exaggerated in retellings.

Cultural Metaphor[]

External Threats[]

The Shraou became a major figure in various orc tribes in Morod, Dol-Nur and perhaps elsewhere in Polforia, particularly among the Ozcura Orcs. It was a 'boogie-man' monster clearly intended to frighten youngsters so as they would not wander off from their villages or spend too long away from supervision. Such fear designed to protect children from more mundane but very real dangers from animal predators, or being kidnapped or assaulted by ozcuro (male) orcs who might be skulking near the villages, looking to build a harem or more transitory purposes. And, of course, threats from other races such as Beast-folk, Kanovs, elves or humans (or, again, other orcs) who might also raid a village and kill, steal or kidnap as bandits or slavers.

Internal Threats[]

The monster might well be representative of jealousies and murder amongst the Ozcura Orcs as well, whereas disappearances are 'explained' should not all members of a party return? Also, when at war, or sometimes even due to raids, ozcuras from other tribes might well kill individuals away from protection, caring little for if their victims are children.

A Counter to Over-Confidence[]

The appearance of a giant goat might serve as a cautionary tale that even a generally herbivorous prey animal might be dangerous if it is too large to handle? So it might be with any seemingly weak foe that the Ozcuras might have sought to raid against? Also, the presence of a bell hanging from the monster's neck encouraging ozcuras to listen for danger as much as to fill the air with their voices?


The Shraou was created by deviantart user Melvlo.
